Galilea Montijo: a beautiful Mexican actress

Galilea Montijo was born on June 5, 1973, in Guadalajara, Mexico. Little is known about her childhood, though one can surmise that -- given her stunning beauty and extroverted nature -- she's been drawing attention her entire life. In 1993, at the age of 20, Galilea took her first steps toward fame by entering a prestigious beauty competition called La Chica TV. Her victory there all but assured her a career within the world of Mexican soap operas. Galilea made her television debut on such a program in 1995 with a role on El Premio mayor.

Galilea spent the next several years appearing on a series of popular Mexican soaps, including Azul (1996), Tu y yo (1996) and Tres mujeres (1999). In 1999, Galilea made her film debut with a small role opposite recent Oscar nominee Adriana Barraza in the comedy La Paloma de Marsella. Galilea’s fame continued to rise during that time, and it wasn’t long before she found herself pursued by various production companies and television stations. She was subsequently hired as a host on Mexico’s Ritmoson Latino television network and it wasn’t long before Galilea had established herself as one of the station’s most popular anchors.

Galilea achieved the sort of fame that she had always dreamed of, and it wasn’t long before the up-and-coming television personality was invited to appear on Mexico’s adaptation of Big Brother in 2002. After emerging victorious from the competition, Galilea decided to try her luck at another locally shot reality program. Bailando por un sueƱo is essentially Mexico’s answer to Dancing with the Stars, as several established celebrities are paired with professional dancers to compete until only one couple remains. Galilea didn’t win the competition, though she did manage to make an indelible impression on viewers with her sultry dancing style.

2006 proved to be an especially fortuitous year for Galilea, as the television personality was invited to appear on the Latin Grammy Awards as a presenter alongside such celebrities as Sofia Vergara, Catalina Sandino Moreno, and Jimmy Smits. She also took on a starring role on the telenovela La Verdad oculta, which unsurprisingly premiered to instant success in her native homeland of Mexico.

But Galilea’s charmed life took a turn for the worse in early 2007 after she found herself embroiled in a sex-tape scandal. Galilea immediately denied that it was her on the tape and indeed, it was eventually revealed that it was not Galilea on the tape, but a porn star named Monique Fuentes.

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